DBA In Applied Management | Distance/Online Education | NIMT

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Course Code:DBA Applied
Course Duration Fast-Track:6  Months
Duration Normal:12  Months
Semester/Year/Section:1  Year
Course Fee:Rs. 11700 /Year
Exam Fee:Rs. 1750/Year
E-Book Fee:Rs. 1000/Year
Registration Fee:Rs. 1000/-
Eligibility:10th or equivalent with experience

In today's competitive business landscape, professionals in management positions seek to enhance their expertise and credentials to stay ahead in their careers. For many working individuals, pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) can be a game-changer, but finding the time to attend a regular course can be a significant challenge. Recognizing the need for flexible and accessible higher education options, NIMT- Neptune Institute of Management and Technologies offers a DBA in Applied Management course through Distance/Online Education india. This article explores the key aspects of this program, including its eligibility, duration, scope, advantages, and the value it brings to working professionals' lives.


Why This Course:

The DBA in Applied Management course is designed to cater specifically to the needs of working professionals who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their careers. This program is a perfect fit for those seeking to gain advanced knowledge, critical thinking skills, and practical expertise in various management domains. The curriculum is carefully crafted to align with the industry's demands and prepare individuals to tackle real-world business challenges effectively.


Eligibility for the Course:

To be eligible for the DBA in Applied Management course offered by NIMT, candidates must meet certain criteria. Typically, applicants must possess a master's degree in a related field, such as MBA or M.Com, from a recognized university. Additionally, a minimum number of years of work experience in managerial or executive roles may also be required to ensure that the students can relate theoretical concepts to practical scenarios.


Duration of the Course:

The duration of the DBA in Applied Management course is designed to accommodate the busy schedules of working professionals. Typically, the program can be completed within a span of three to five years, depending on the candidate's pace and dedication. The flexible nature of Distance/Online Education allows individuals to balance their professional commitments while pursuing their academic goals.


Scope of the Course:

The scope of the DBA in Applied Management course is vast and promising. As businesses continually seek leaders with the right mix of theoretical knowledge and practical acumen, a doctoral degree in applied management can open doors to numerous opportunities. Graduates of this course can explore career paths in top-level management, consulting, research, and academia. The program equips individuals to lead organizations, initiate innovative strategies, and drive sustainable growth in the ever-evolving corporate landscape.


Advantages of Distance/Online Education Mode:

The Distance/Online Education mode of the DBA in Applied Management course offers several distinct advantages over the traditional regular mode:


a. Flexibility: The primary advantage of Distance/Online Education is its flexibility. Working professionals can pursue their doctoral studies without sacrificing their existing job commitments. They have the freedom to study at their own pace, giving them better control over their time and resources.


b. Accessibility: Distance/Online Education makes quality education accessible to a wider audience. Candidates from different geographical locations can enroll in the program without the need to relocate, saving both time and money.


c. Cost-Effectiveness: Pursuing a DBA in a regular mode can be cost-prohibitive for many individuals. Distance/Online Education often proves to be more cost-effective as it eliminates expenses related to transportation, accommodation, and other on-campus requirements.


d. Customization: The Distance/Online Education mode allows candidates to tailor their study schedule according to their individual preferences and learning styles. Students can revisit lectures, engage with study materials, and seek clarifications at their convenience.


e. Continuous Employment: Unlike regular full-time programs, Distance/Online Education allows working professionals to continue their employment while pursuing their academic aspirations. This ensures a steady income throughout the course duration.


Is This Course in Distance/Online Mode Worth It:

Undoubtedly, the DBA in Applied Management course offered through Distance/Online Education by NIMT is worth considering for working professionals. Here's why:


a. Career Advancement: Completing a DBA can significantly enhance career prospects and open doors to top-level executive positions. Graduates are equipped with advanced problem-solving skills and strategic thinking capabilities that are highly valued in the corporate world.


b. Networking Opportunities: The program facilitates networking opportunities with fellow students, faculty, and industry experts. This networking can lead to valuable connections that may benefit candidates in their professional journey.


c. Research Contributions: Pursuing a DBA allows individuals to conduct in-depth research in their area of interest. Their research findings can contribute to the existing body of knowledge in management and have a positive impact on the industry.


d. Personal Growth: The rigorous academic pursuit of a DBA challenges individuals to push their boundaries, enhance their analytical skills, and become better decision-makers. This personal growth is invaluable both professionally and personally.


e. Recognition and Respect: Earning a doctorate commands respect and recognition within the professional community. It adds credibility to the individual's expertise and accomplishments.


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q1. Can I pursue the DBA in Applied Management course while working full-time?

A1. Yes, the course is specifically designed for working professionals. You can manage your study schedule as per your work commitments.


Q2. How is the curriculum of the DBA program structured?

A2. The curriculum covers various areas of applied management, including strategic management, leadership, organizational behaviour, research methods, and more. It includes coursework, research projects, and a dissertation.


Q3. Will I have access to study materials and resources?

A3. Yes, NIMT provides comprehensive study materials and access to an online learning platform where you can find lectures, e-books, research papers, and other relevant resources.


Q4. How will the research component be managed in the Distance/Online Mode?

A4. NIMT provides guidance and support to students throughout their research journey. Students will have access to experienced mentors and researchers who will assist them in conducting their research.


Q5. Is the DBA in Applied Management course recognized by industry and academia?

A5. Yes, NIMT is a reputable institution, and the DBA course is recognized by various industry bodies and academic institutions.



The DBA in Applied Management course offered by NIMT through Distance/Online Education india provides a valuable opportunity for working professionals to elevate their careers to new heights. With its flexible format, comprehensive curriculum, and recognition in the industry, this program presents a promising path for those seeking higher education while maintaining their job commitments. By balancing practical application and theoretical knowledge, the course empowers individuals to become effective leaders and contribute meaningfully to the business world. Whether aiming for career advancement or personal growth, the DBA in Applied Management course is undoubtedly worth considering for aspiring management professionals.


Sr. No. Subject Name Sem/Year/Section Syllabus
1 Principles of Management 1 Syllabus
2 Business Communication 1 Syllabus
3 Organizational Behavior 1 Syllabus
4 Business Policy & Strategic Management 1 Syllabus
5 Production & Materials Management 1 Syllabus
6 Legal Aspects of Business 1 Syllabus
7 Information Technology in Business 1 Syllabus