BBA - (Tourism Management) Bachelor Program in Business Administration through Distance

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Course Duration Fast-Track:12  Months
Duration Normal:38  Months
Semester/Year/Section:3  Years
Course Fee:Rs. 9566 /Year
Exam Fee:Rs. 1750  /Year
E-Book Fee:Rs. 1000 /Year
Registration Fee:Rs. 1000/-
Eligibility:Diploma / 10 + 2 (With Experience)

Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries. As these tourism activities nurture, so this industry require efficient managers that has the knowledge of tourism environment, benefits etc. With this course one gets well equipped with the perceptive of national and international tourism. Tourism industry is divided into many parts for instance accommodation, events and conferences, travel trade, transportation, food and beverage, tourism services etc. One can choose from any of these which will open their avenues to Hotels, Transportation, Restaurants, Travel companies, Recreation and leisure, Travel agencies and many other services. Individual with the interest of travelling should pursue this course. BBA in Tourism Management become a popular courses now Days.


Neptune Institute of Management and Technology offer BBA Tourism Management through Distance/Online Education mode.